10 Days to Faster Reading PDF, Summary, Audiobook FREE Download

10 Days to Faster Reading PDF, Summary, Audiobook FREE Download Details

Reading, like any other skill, can be improved with dedication and practice. 10 Days to Faster Reading PDF is a guidebook that outlines the many reasons why we may struggle to read quickly and provides concrete steps for overcoming those barriers.

Written by Abby Marks Beale, an author and joint research fellow at The Princeton Language Institute and Princeton University’s Mind Brain Behavior Institute, this book is intended for anyone who wants to improve their reading speed.

The book begins by explaining the cognitive neuroscience of reading, highlighting the unique challenges faced by people who want to read quickly.

It then provides readers with a step-by-step guide on how to improve their reading speed by tackling bad habits and developing efficient reading habits.

The final part of the book offers advice on how to maintain your newfound skillset once they are developed. With 10 Days to Faster Reading as your guide, you will be able to read more effectively and enjoy the process more than ever before!


10 Days to Faster Reading


Abby Marks Beale (Author), The Princeton Language Institute

Publication Date

 1 July 2001


Habit & Self-Help





Total Pages


Audiobook Duration

4 hours and 18 minutes


What is the 10 Days to Faster Reading PDF Book About?

Are you feeling overwhelmed by the number of books you have to read, but don’t have time to do it? Have you been struggling to read at a reasonable pace?

If so, this book is for you! 10 Days to Faster Reading PDF details why our inability to read quickly isn’t due to overcommitment and offers practical solutions that anyone can apply.

This book will help you break bad reading habits and develop efficient reading skills so that you can get more out of every book.

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Who is the author of the book 10 Days to Faster Reading? – Abby Marks Beale

Abby Marks Beale is an educator, author, online course creator, and corporate productivity expert in the field of speed reading. She has written 10 Days to Faster Reading, The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Speed Reading, and Success Skills: Strategies for Study and Lifelong Learning. Abby’s newest book and the ebook is entitled Speed Reading: A Little-Known Time-Saving Superpower.

Abby is the mastermind behind the online interactive course Rev It Up Reading: Getting Up To Speed With What You Read. This course is based on her 30+ years of teaching speed reading to thousands of people. The online course contains 17 timed reading exercises, a complimentary ebook copy of 10 Days to Faster Reading and direct access to her through the course interface.

Abby obtained her Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from Boston University and her Master of Science in Adult Education from Southern Connecticut State University. She is also a classical homeopath who is nationally certified.

Who Can Benefit from the 10 Days to Faster Reading PDF Book?

If you are a teacher, college student, or a busy professional who wants to learn how to read more effectively and efficiently, this book is for you!

It provides simple but effective techniques that will help you improve your reading speed by as much as 50%.

10 Days to Faster Reading Summary & Book Review

If you want to improve your reading speed and efficiency, there are a few things you can do. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to become a faster, more efficient reader. We’ll cover topics like improving your recall and speed through reading, boosting your reading efficiency, and how to speed read. By the end of this post, you should have some helpful strategies for becoming a better reader.

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Improving Your Reading Skills: Improving Recall And Speed Through Reading

Reading can be improved by addressing misconceptions about the process. For example, many people believe that we need to read everything in a novel before we can judge it. However, this is not always necessary. In fact, skimming and prioritizing key information can help improve recall of what has been read. Additionally, taking notes while reading can also aid in memory retention. By incorporating these strategies into your reading habits, you will be able to speed through your books more easily while retaining more information.

When you are reading, it is important to pay attention to the following:

1. Skimming. Skimming allows you to quickly scan through a text in order to get an overview of what is being discussed. This can help develop your recall of key information while reducing the amount of time spent reading a given text.

2. Prioritizing key information. When reading, it is important to prioritize the information that is most important to you. By focusing on the main points and ideas, you will be better able to remember what you have read.

Boost Your Reading Efficiency With These Tips

The ability to read is a critical aptitude for any individual in the workforce. However, many people have bad habits that hinder their reading efficiency. These include passive daydreaming, regression, and subvocalization. To improve your reading speed and comprehension, try focusing on key words and skipping over the rest, and using noise’s rhythms to keep yourself engaged while you read.

To improve your reading speed and comprehension, try focusing on key words and skipping over the rest. When you encounter a difficult word, break it down into its component parts and see if you can figure out what it is referencing.

How To Become A Faster Reader

When you are choosing what to read, it is important to ask yourself why you are reading it and what you hope to gain from the text. If the information being presented is not relevant to your life or if you do not have an interest in that topic, consider previewing the material before reading it.

Organizing your reading by thinking about phrases as if they were separated by slashes will allow you to skip over filler words and focus on the important information.

Mastering these techniques will help you become a faster reader. Reading slowly allows your brain time to process what is being said, which leads to better comprehension and understanding.

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Tips For Becoming An Efficient Reader

Becoming a more efficient reader requires paying attention to detail and breaking down text into smaller, more manageable chunks. You can do this by reading between the lines, indenting, and using your hand or pin as tools.

One of the most important things when it comes to being an efficient reader is to read between the lines. This means that you should try to understand what the author is trying to say without having to read everything out loud. Indenting can also be helpful in making sure that you are not missing any important information.

Lastly, using your hand or pin as tools can be helpful in highlighting specific sections of text. By doing this, you will ensure that you fully understand what is being said.

However, there are some things that cannot be done with just a book or pen and paper; these include taking notes during lectures and group work, drawing diagrams during presentations and discussions, annotating webpages with highlights or annotations for further reference.

Additionally, there are many apps available for smartphones and computers which make it even easier for people to take notes while they are reading – such as Evernote. So by following these simple tips – as well as utilizing any other tools which make reading easier – everyone can become a more efficient reader.

How To Speed Read: Tips For Improving Your Reading Speed

Reading is an important part of learning. It can be a time-consuming process, and some people want to find ways to speed up their reading. There are many ways to speed read, but the most effective way varies depending on individual needs and preferences.

One of the simplest methods for speeding up your reading is to retrain your brain by using teaching aids such as fingers, a pin, or business card. These tools help you to focus on specific areas of the text while you are reading, which can make the process faster and more efficient.

An app called Quick Read offers thousands of book and audiobook summaries for free download. By subscribing to the channel, users receive notification about new content every time it is posted on YouTube. This allows users to stay up-to-date with the latest information without having to spend hours searching through websites or magazines!

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To Wrap Up

Reading is a fundamental skill that helps us obtain and process information. By becoming a faster, more efficient readers, we can improve our comprehension skills and retain more information.

Is the 10 Days to Faster Reading PDF Worth Recommending?

Definitely! It’s a quick read, easy to understand, and packed full of helpful tips and tricks to help you learn how to speed read. Not only does it help with learning to read quickly, but it also teaches you how to read better, understand what you read, and how to apply what you’ve learned.

What Are the Benefits of the Book 10 Days to Faster Reading PDF?

This book is a quick read that will teach you everything you need to know to start learning to read more efficiently, understand what you read, and apply the techniques you learn.

The book also has a wealth of information on many other topics such as: Learning to read quickly Improving your reading comprehension Understanding what you read Applying the techniques you learn Reading in different environments Using different types of text Making learning to read easier.

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Read 10 Days to Faster Reading Book?

  1. Easy to Understand
  2. Quick to Learn
  3. Can be Applied to Any Level
  4. Improve Your Reading Speed
  5. Achieve Long-Term Goals

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Where I Can Download 10 Days to Faster Reading PDF/Ebook/Audiobook/Epub Free?

The book, titled “10 Days to Faster Reading,” provides advice on what to do before reading, what bad habits to break, what easy strategies to adopt, and how to integrate knowledge gained through reading.

The book has 224 pages, and reading the whole thing will take a good amount of time.

Audiobooks are an excellent way to consume knowledge and retain information while on-the-go or doing other tasks.

Listening to Audiobook is the faster way to read this book. Therefore, if you are looking to listen to “10 Days to Faster Reading” in audiobook format for free, there are several options you can explore.

We have provided the different websites that offer free audiobook downloads.


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